Friday, April 11, 2008

Dirty, Sticky Things

It's true, chicks are disgusting when they come out of the shell. They're all gooey and wet. Give them a couple of hours and they fluff up beautifully.

'Edward! Edward! Did I do right?'
- "You've done beautifully Tubbs!"

Yes I have chicks hatching right now. They are busting their way out in every effort to become egg-laying garbage composters. I have about 8 that are hatching out right ow and another 20 or so that will be out in a week or so.

I was the seed faery today. I have extra seeds since I have no dirt so I went around school randomly giving them away. It was fun to watch garden geeks faces just light up. I do have my evil purpose since I told them if they grew zukes then I get some to make zuke bread. YAY!

Baby, screaming and wailing... Back momentarily, or at least when he decides that life is truly wonderful again or is in bed.

Um, yeah...

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